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Our approach to corporate sustainability
Our purpose is to work together to build better financial futures. This highlights the importance of collaboration to our business - working together as colleagues and in partnership with our stakeholders - and underlines our focus on sustainable long-term outcomes, while considering our impact on society and the environment. For this reason, sustainability is incorporated into our investment process, as well as our business operations.

We are committed to running our business operations in a sustainable manner and to reduce our impact on the Environment. Guided by our Health, Safety and Sustainability Policy we address pollution prevention, carbon reduction, waste minimisation and to drive responsible use of resources.
Climate change is arguably the most pressing threat facing our planet, that’s why we have set ourselves the goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2030 for Fidelity’s operations.
Our daily choices are crucial for the successful achievement of our environmental goals. We strive to adopt environmental management systems and reduce our consumption of natural resources in our operations where feasible. We are also conducting environmental employee education programmes and are encouraging everybody to get involved in sustainability initiatives within the business.
You can find here our Heath, Safety and Sustainability Policy Statement (PDF)

For over 50 years, we’ve been building better financial futures for our clients. Whether it’s the services we develop, the decisions we make or the value we create, we’ve always looked to the long term. Today, building on the security of private ownership and our clear sense of integrity and purpose, we’re looking ahead with real ambition. We’re seizing opportunities to grow, embracing smarter technology and reinventing our services for the future.
We are committed to:
- Being a fully inclusive and diverse organisation, where everyone can feel they belong and can thrive.
- Creating a wellbeing-centric culture where our employees can look after their mental, physical and emotional wellbeing and enjoy a good work-life balance.
- Supporting our employees to develop the right skills, knowledge and behaviours to sustain the success of our business.
- Working in a dynamic way that best meets the needs of our colleagues, our clients and our business.
Read more about our approach to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Supply chain sustainability has been one of our main engagement themes as investors and we apply the same standards and rules to our own supply chain.
Our suppliers are expected to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct, which sets out our standards, values and principles. Our Responsible Supply Chain Programme drives our sustainability and diversity ambitions through our supply chain, with a focus on three pillars
- Transparency – We will monitor supply-chain sustainability, focusing on the environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement practices
- Equal Opportunity – We will improve the diversity of our supply chain by providing equal opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses, social enterprises and diverse-owned suppliers (i.e. woman/veteran/ethnic-minority/LGBT+/disabled-owned enterprises) to compete for Fidelity’s business – directly and as partners of our key suppliers
- Fairness – We will treat our suppliers fairly through prompt payment and streamlined processes.

We encourage all our employees to be active members of the communities where we live and work, with the aim to address social challenges, contribute to environmental sustainability, and to be a catalyst for positive change towards a more equitable, inclusive and thriving global community.
We understand that true change and sustainable development is driven by our collective efforts. Through our global network of CSR Committees we form partnerships with local charitable organisations and non-profits that understand the priorities and ensure that our support provides meaningful and long-lasting impact. Employee volunteering of time, skills and expertise is a central part of these partnerships and we’re proud that our employee participation levels remain high.
Fidelity also supports four independent grant-making foundations: the Fidelity UK Foundation; Fidelity Asia Pacific Foundation; Fidelity Europe Foundation; and Fidelity Bermuda Foundation. The Foundations make grants to leading non-profit organisations active in fields such as education, environmental conservation, and arts and culture, enabling charities to be more impactful, efficient, or sustainable.
Read more about Fidelity UK and International Foundations here
Sustainability Update PDF
This report provides an update on Sustainability at Fidelity in relation to investments and to our own operations. It looks back at some of the key developments in 2023 and the first half of 2024 and considers what lies ahead.
Download PDF
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