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Cool Heads

Fidelity investment experts cut through the noise in the news

Cool Heads is a series of short video updates from our studios in London. Speaking to our portfolio managers, investment directors and analysts, we'll cut through the noise from the news and focus only on what matters to investors.

Episode 12: CIOs on oil crash, coronavirus volatility and what's next

10th March 2020: Global CIOs Andrew McCaffery, Steve Ellis and Romain Boscher

Episode 11: Coronavirus hits global markets

24 Feb 2020: Portfolio managers Judith Finegold and Amit Lodha

Episode 10: Coronavirus impact

5 Feb 2020: Portfolio managers Lynda Zhou, Judith Finegold and Amit Lodha

Episode 9: UK election

13 December 2019: Portfolio managers Aruna Karunathilake and Charlotte Harington

Episode 8: Climate change

December 3rd: Ned Salter, Head of Equities, and Portfolio Manager Velislava Dimitrova

Episode 7: The earnings recovery

October 31st: Romain Boscher, Equities CIO, and Marty Dropkin, Global Head of Research, Fixed Income

Episode 6: Rates

October 30th: Portfolio managers Sajiv Vaid and Charlotte Harington with rates trader Sam Knight

Episode 5: Growth and inflation

October 24th: Ian Samson, Assistant Portfolio Manager, and Andrea Iannelli, Investment Director

Episode 4: Sterling

October 23rd: Portfolio Managers Tim Foster and Charlotte Harington

Episode 3: Global geopolitical risk

October 22nd: Portfolio Managers Bill McQuaker and Charlotte Harington

Episode 2: Brexit impact on UK and European investing

October 17th: Alex Wright, Portfolio Manager, and Natalie Briggs, Investment Director

Episode 1: Brexit scenarios and market fragmentation

October 16th: Anne Richards, CEO, and Dan Hedley, Director of Public Policy