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Martin Dropkin
Podcast 26 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: The renminbi effect

In this episode, we turn our attention to something that affects almost every investor in China: a weakening renminbi.

Martin Dropkin + 5 others | 18 July 2024

Terrence Pang
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Picking up the Hong Kong premium

Hong Kong has quietly grown its bond market into a quality haven in Asia. A window has opened for investors who want a piece of the action.

Terrence Pang + 2 others | 18 June 2024

Lei Zhu
Article 3 min read

Unlocking alpha: How global investors can play China’s onshore bonds

There's room for alpha in China’s top-rated bonds, which account for a significant part of global fixed income indexes and benefit from macro headwinds.

Lei Zhu + 3 others | 3 May 2024

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 31 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: In conversation with Louis-Vincent Gave

In this special edition of The Investor’s Guide to China, Catherine Yeung, Investment Director, is joined in Hong Kong by Gavekal's Louis-Vincent Gave.

Catherine Yeung + 2 others | 25 October 2023

Karen Zhou
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Why China is all aglitter over gold

China’s onshore gold price premium has expanded, spurring cross-border arbitrage and calling for stronger policy measures to shore up confidence.

Karen Zhou + 2 others | 28 September 2023

Paul Greer
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Building a bigger bloc of BRICS

With one country continuing to pull far more economic weight than everybody else, the significance of BRICS expansion will be more diplomatic than economic.

Paul Greer + 1 other | 13 September 2023

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 35 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: De-dollarisation

When it comes to currencies, it often feels like it's all about the US dollar. Although the greenback has dominated international trade and finance for decades

Catherine Yeung + 9 others | 18 July 2023

George Efstathopoulos
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: Will the renminbi’s stable attraction woo Asian partners?

While the market traditionally focuses on the renminbi’s performance against the US dollar, we think its relationship with Asian peers deserves more attention.

George Efstathopoulos + 2 others | 3 April 2023

Ian Samson
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Rewriting the yen narrative

We think recent tweaks to the Bank of Japan's yield curve control policy could reset the narrative and pave the way for yen appreciation.

Ian Samson | 20 January 2023

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 35 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: China's Next Phase

What's going to happen as we enter a new phase of the Chinese growth story under President Xi Jinping's leadership.

Catherine Yeung + 7 others | 8 November 2022

Charlotte Harington
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Pressure mounts on yen as US yields soar

Japan's commitment to YCC puts it in a difficult position amid rising inflation. Were the BoJ to abandon YCC, the knock-on effects could be severe.

Charlotte Harington | 27 October 2022

Fidelity International
Article 7 min read

Navigating the strong dollar fallout

The dollar's gains are sending ructions through financial markets. We look at where and how the pressures are starting to be felt and what might halt the rise.

Fidelity International | 7 October 2022

Taosha Wang
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: China takes own path in a tightening world

China is bucking the trend towards higher interest rates, and the resulting yield divergence has huge implications for bond investors and currency markets.

Taosha Wang + 2 others | 15 September 2022

Ario Emami Nejad
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: Interest rates won’t fix the euro’s problems this time

Chart Room: Interest rates won’t fix the euro’s problems this time

Ario Emami Nejad | 7 September 2022

George Efstathopoulos
Blog 2 min read

The last of the doves: BoJ unlikely to change course anytime soon

The last of the doves: BoJ unlikely to change course anytime soon

George Efstathopoulos | 19 May 2022

Fidelity International
Article 8 min read

How blockchain will revolutionise the financial system

Tthe blockchain technology behind bitcoin and other digital assets continues to grow in importance

Fidelity International | 17 May 2022

Miyuki Kashima
Article 3 min read

Now and zen: Japan’s quiet rise

Inflation may be a scourge elsewhere, but Japan is unruffled. Instead, the world’s third-largest economy is showcasing its appeal to investors.

Miyuki Kashima + 1 other | 15 May 2022

Leia Ma
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: As others hike rates, can China’s easing policy remain a cut above?

Cuts to the reserve requirement ratio remain China’s monetary policy weapon of choice. How they are wielded highlights the tightrope policymakers must walk.

Leia Ma + 3 others | 12 May 2022

Alvin Cheng
Article 5 min read

China as a new safe haven?

Looming stagflation and war effects have global investors searching for havens. China represents a less conventional option with diversification benefits.

Alvin Cheng + 3 others | 4 April 2022

Henk-Jan Rikkerink
Article 2 min read

Markets shift as Ukraine consequences spread

While the humanitarian impact of the war in Ukraine grows by the day, the economic effects are also mushrooming

Henk-Jan Rikkerink | 9 March 2022

Steve Ellis
Article 3 min read

Russian and Ukrainian debt comes under pressure

Our base case from a fixed income perspective is now for a more severe and protracted conflict.

Steve Ellis | 24 February 2022

Marton Huebler
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Emerging market currencies left behind as commodity prices soar

The close relationship between commodity prices and emerging market currency returns has broken down this year.

Marton Huebler | 8 July 2021

Morgan Lau
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: Stronger for longer for China’s renminbi?

Expectations for further renminbi appreciation have risen, but we think short-term gains could be capped from here.

Morgan Lau + 3 others | 10 June 2021

Stuart Rumble
Blog 1 min read

Chart Room: After the Gold Rush

Is it time to take profits in gold?

Stuart Rumble + 1 other | 21 January 2021

Steve Ellis
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: A liquidity tide for the record books

2020 brought us new high-water marks in the US for both money supply growth and the personal savings rate.

Steve Ellis | 13 January 2021

George Efstathopoulos
Blog 1 min read

Chart Room: Chinese stocks, playing catchup, finally retrace 2015 highs

But the rally in China’s main onshore index still lags its US and global counterparts.

George Efstathopoulos + 2 others | 7 January 2021

Anthony Doyle
Blog 1 min read

Chart Room: Weakening dollar gives emerging markets a shot in the arm

Emerging markets may be helped further along by the weaker outlook for the US dollar.

Anthony Doyle + 3 others | 10 December 2020

George Efstathopoulos
Blog 2 min read

Chart Room: Emerging market currencies lag on inflation risks

EM countries are using some of the same monetary and fiscal measures as developed markets. But this could add to rising inflation and currency weakness.

George Efstathopoulos + 3 others | 10 September 2020

Katsumi Ishibashi
Article 4 min read

A to-do list for Japan’s next prime minister

Ensuring fiscal and monetary policy continuity while overseeing Japan's response to the Covid-19 crisis will be top priorities for Shinzo Abe's successor.

Katsumi Ishibashi | 3 September 2020

Kate Howitt
Blog 3 min read

As gold’s surge draws wider interest, miners shine too

Gold's lustre is also rubbing off on the companies that dig it up from the ground.

Kate Howitt + 2 others | 12 March 2020

Fidelity International
Video 5 min watch

Cool Heads: where next for sterling?

Tim Foster says the pound could benefit from a more positive UK outlook.

Fidelity International | 23 October 2019

Andrea Iannelli
Blog 2 min read

Sterling could weaken further, but main risks may lie beyond Westminster

UK unlikely to be immune to external macro risks.

Andrea Iannelli + 1 other | 29 August 2019

Luc Froehlich
Blog 4 min read

Trade war tit-for-tat escalates: Views from the investment desk

Volatility has returned to global financial markets following the latest developments in the ongoing trade spat between the US and China.

Luc Froehlich + 3 others | 6 August 2019

Bryan Collins
Blog 3 min read

Is seven an unlucky number for China’s currency?

China’s renminbi weakened past the seven per US dollar mark for the first time in more than ten years.

Bryan Collins + 4 others | 5 August 2019

Kim Politzer
Article 6 min read

Currency risk in pan-European real estate

Why it matters and where the unexpected dangers lie.

Kim Politzer | 10 July 2019

Paul Greer
Blog 2 min read

Turkey’s interest rate hold is a policy mistake

Turkey’s inaction on the benchmark interest rate is a major policy mistake, undoing much of the good of the rate rises in Q2.

Paul Greer | 24 July 2018

Matthew Quaife
Article 4 min read

Currency hedging: Testing the theory

Currency hedging: Testing the theory

Matthew Quaife + 1 other | 15 February 2018

Alex Duffy
Podcast 11 min listen

Currency risk: What developed markets can learn from emerging markets

Modern politics is making some developed market currencies unusually volatile. What can investors learn from emerging markets when it comes to currency risk?

Alex Duffy + 2 others | 2 February 2018

Curtis Evans
Video 4 min watch

Curtis Evans | 14 December 2017

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