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Pranav Aggarwal
Article 2 min read

Falling correlations suggest bonds can once again perform hedging role

The equity-bond correlation has turned negative. But it’s the context that matters.

Pranav Aggarwal + 1 other | 16 September 2024

Jeremy Osborne
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Japan Inc’s buyback spree

Share repurchases announced by Japanese companies are poised to hit a record high this year. More companies have also boosted dividend pay-outs.

Jeremy Osborne + 1 other | 11 July 2024

Penn Bowers
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Japan’s stock train leaves behind train stocks

Business is back on the rails for Japanese train companies, but their stock prices remain largely stuck in the Covid era.

Penn Bowers + 1 other | 31 May 2024

Liz Brockway
Article 3 min read

Chemicals destocking: cross-asset analysts remain positive on 'unprecedented' cycle

Chemicals destocking: cross-asset analysts remain positive on 'unprecedented' cycle

Liz Brockway | 26 July 2023

Tomohiro Ikawa
Article 2 min read

Japan’s stock market reform gathers steam

The Tokyo Stock Exchange is taking steps in the right direction on some long overdue reforms, but more still needs to be done.

Tomohiro Ikawa + 1 other | 6 April 2023

Lee Sotos
Article 2 min read

SVB sell-off shows where market weaknesses lie, but contagion unlikely

SVB sell-off shows where market weaknesses lie, but contagion unlikely

Lee Sotos + 1 other | 10 March 2023

Theresa Zhou
Article 2 min read

Fundamentals: China’s reopening and supply chains

China’s reopening and supply chains

Theresa Zhou + 1 other | 2 February 2023

Toby Gibb
Blog 1 min read

Chart Room: Valuations look more reasonable but there may be more to come

Chart Room: Valuations look more reasonable but there may be more to come

Toby Gibb | 31 May 2022

Lucette Yvernault
Article 3 min read

Generating excess returns with value investing in bonds

Generating excess returns with value investing in bonds

Lucette Yvernault + 1 other | 4 August 2021

Katsumi Ishibashi
Article 4 min read

A to-do list for Japan’s next prime minister

Ensuring fiscal and monetary policy continuity while overseeing Japan's response to the Covid-19 crisis will be top priorities for Shinzo Abe's successor.

Katsumi Ishibashi | 3 September 2020

Fiona O'Neill
Article 5 min read

Fidelity International Pulse Survey: 10 months of disruption remain

Fidelity International’s June survey of 149 analysts finds that activity in most sectors and regions is expected to return to a stable level in under a year.

Fiona O'Neill + 2 others | 18 June 2020

Anne Richards
Article 3 min read

Public equity markets are flagging when we need them the most

Revived public equity markets will be needed to recapitalise additional debt burdens resulting from the Covid-19 crisis response.

Anne Richards | 3 June 2020

Anne Richards
Article 4 min read

“Just in case” and the case for conditionality

This crisis has shown us that contingency planning is as important as risk mitigation and supply chain optimisation.

Anne Richards | 7 May 2020

Dale Nicholls
Blog 4 min read

The view from Hong Kong

Corporate China’s path as it emerges from economic lockdown may point the way for the rest of the world.

Dale Nicholls | 2 April 2020

Paras Anand

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Corporate governance

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Corporate governance

Paras Anand + 2 others | 24 October 2019

Lynda Zhou
Blog 3 min read

A shooting star over Shanghai

Shanghai’s new sci-tech Star Market got off to a sparkling debut, but the real lustre for long term investors will be in the deeper market-based reforms

Lynda Zhou + 1 other | 23 July 2019

Casey McLean
Blog 4 min read

Tech and Trump’s China tariffs: Counting the costs to global supply chains and consumer demand

Tech and Trump’s China tariffs: Counting the costs to global supply chains and consumer demand

Casey McLean | 18 June 2019

Bertrand Lecourt
Article 4 min read

A sustainable investor’s view on water scarcity in China

China’s water woes represent significant challenges and distinct opportunities for the sustainable investor.

Bertrand Lecourt + 3 others | 15 April 2019

Neil Gough
Article 4 min read

Analyst Survey 2019: China's slowdown, seen from the ground

Sentiment towards China for the year ahead is more downbeat than for other geographies but there are some pockets of brightness.

Neil Gough | 22 February 2019

Ben Moshinsky
Article 13 min read

Sector by sector: Analyst Survey 2019

Across 10 sectors, only healthcare analysts showed an improvement in sentiment from last year.

Ben Moshinsky + 1 other | 22 February 2019

Anna Stupnytska
Article 10 min read

Choose your own adventure: China’s economic destiny

What does it mean for the rest of the world if in a decade's time China becomes the preeminent economic superpower, or gets stuck in the middle-income trap?

Anna Stupnytska + 4 others | 11 January 2019

Alex Duffy
Blog 6 min read

US trade tariffs and China: assessing the real impact

Tariffs aren’t the most important factor in the trade dispute between the United States and China. Instead, watch China’s balance of payments position

Alex Duffy | 20 December 2018

Simon Brailey
Blog 2 min read

The rise of active ETFs

The market for actively managed exchange traded funds (ETFs) is growing rapidly globally, and especially in Australia where pension contributions are rising.

Simon Brailey + 1 other | 4 November 2018

Anna Stupnytska
Blog 5 min read

What to expect from the US midterm elections: Macroeconomic and market implications

Fidelity's cross-asset scenario analysis on potential outcomes from the US midterm elections assesses the macroeconomic and market implications.

Anna Stupnytska + 1 other | 1 November 2018

Medha Samant
Blog 2 min read

Falling Markets - the view from Asia

Negative investor sentiment and high volatility are setting the tone but can also provide opportunities to find value in Asia equity and fixed income markets.

Medha Samant + 1 other | 25 October 2018

Nicholas Price
Blog 2 min read

Japan’s companies are evolving against a solid economic backdrop

Japan is changing, meaning better profits and returns for companies. Combined with attractive valuations, this can mean sustainable investor returns.

Nicholas Price | 3 October 2018

Paras Anand
Blog 2 min read

Ten years since the crisis: the risks have changed

Investors and policy makers have learned their lessons, but we may be looking in the wrong direction for the next dislocations.

Paras Anand | 31 August 2018

Gary Monaghan
Blog 2 min read

Tencent as bellwether

Tencent’s apparent setbacks look to be short term and not structural. A closer look reveals a wide moat in online gaming and social messaging.

Gary Monaghan | 16 August 2018

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