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Martin Dropkin
Podcast 31 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Dealing with China's debt

As China rolls out new stimulus measures, the country’s approach to debt and public spending is back in the spotlight.

Martin Dropkin + 5 others | 3 October 2024

Lei Zhu
Article 3 min read

Q4 Asia Investment Outlook: Go with the east wind

A dip in US growth will have an impact on Asia, but the slowdown will also provide room for the region’s policymakers to cut interest rates.

Lei Zhu + 1 other | 24 September 2024

Pranav Aggarwal
Article 2 min read

Falling correlations suggest bonds can once again perform hedging role

The equity-bond correlation has turned negative. But it’s the context that matters.

Pranav Aggarwal + 1 other | 16 September 2024

Vanessa Chan
Article 3 min read

India’s renewable bonds: Riding the green wave

India’s need to deliver more green power is likely to make its renewable energy sector a destination for global capital for years to come.

Vanessa Chan + 3 others | 12 September 2024

Martin Dropkin
Podcast 26 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: The renminbi effect

In this episode, we turn our attention to something that affects almost every investor in China: a weakening renminbi.

Martin Dropkin + 5 others | 18 July 2024

Terrence Pang
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Picking up the Hong Kong premium

Hong Kong has quietly grown its bond market into a quality haven in Asia. A window has opened for investors who want a piece of the action.

Terrence Pang + 2 others | 18 June 2024

James Durance
Article 3 min read

Fixed income tales: Profits in the unexpected

A return to higher interest rates has created valuable opportunities for bond investors.

James Durance + 1 other | 30 May 2024

Rick Patel
Article 3 min read

Three reasons to keep an eye on US bonds

Conditions look ripe for a period of outperformance in US credit markets.

Rick Patel + 2 others | 29 May 2024

Olivier Simon-Vermot
Article 2 min read

US high yield may be less stretched than you think

Investor interest in income strategies has squeezed high yield credit spreads. But a metric we watch at Fidelity suggests they may not be overpriced yet.

Olivier Simon-Vermot + 2 others | 29 April 2024

Belinda Liao
Article 4 min read

Axing the ‘ex-Japan’: A new era for Japanese bonds

Tailwinds stretching from index reform to rate hikes are lifting Japan's bond market from the doldrums

Belinda Liao + 3 others | 29 April 2024

Alvin Cheng
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Why Chinese investors love ultra-long bonds

Chinese investors are hoping to lock in higher yields as the market ramps up bets that the PBoC will cut interest rates to support the economic recovery.

Alvin Cheng + 2 others | 22 March 2024

Olivier Simon-Vermot
Article 2 min read

US high yield may be less stretched than you think

US high yield may be less stretched than you think

Olivier Simon-Vermot + 2 others | 20 March 2024

Marton Huebler
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: overpriced, oversubscribed, but not over yet

Developing world governments borrowed as much in January and February of 2024 as they did in the same period of any of the last 20 years.

Marton Huebler + 3 others | 8 March 2024

Talib Sheikh
Article 3 min read

Get real: 2024 and the need for income

For the first time in years, the interest available on cash deposits is tempting. However, parking money in ultra-defensive options comes with its own risks.

Talib Sheikh + 2 others | 7 March 2024

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 30 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: China's bond market

Catherine Yeung and Marty Dropkin tackle a topic that often flies under the radar, but could in fact hold great potential for investors: China’s bond market.

Catherine Yeung + 7 others | 7 February 2024

Claire Xiao
Article 5 min read

How China keeps its debt in order

What is the fiscal firepower of the Chinese government? Depends on how much debt you think China really has. Our analysis is revealing.

Claire Xiao + 3 others | 25 January 2024

Richard Edgar
Podcast 40 min listen

Rich Pickings podcast: What the lessons of 2023 can teach investors for the year ahead

From artificial intelligence to US resilience, Richard Edgar discusses the big themes of 2023 with a panel of multi asset portfolio managers.

Richard Edgar + 5 others | 20 December 2023

Morgan Lau
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: China’s booming panda bond market not so black and white

The panda bond market boomed in 2023. But the market still faces hurdles, including poor liquidity and competition from the offshore ‘dim sum’ bond market.

Morgan Lau + 1 other | 15 December 2023

Lei Zhu
Article 4 min read

Axing the ‘ex-Japan’: a new era for Japanese bonds

Tailwinds from index reform to rate-hike expectations are lifting Japan's bond market from the doldrums, breathing new life into what was a dull backwater.

Lei Zhu + 3 others | 5 December 2023

Alvin Cheng
Article 3 min read

China’s corporate bond rally may still have room to run

China’s onshore corporate bonds have had a bull run this year, which we think has further to go.

Alvin Cheng | 28 November 2023

Chris Ellinger
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Cash, the once and future king

After a flood of capital into cash investments this year a look at forward interest rates suggests cash as king could reign for a while.

Chris Ellinger + 3 others | 2 November 2023

Max Stainton
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: A waiting game on rate transmission

The US continues to defy the gravity of rate hikes but a closer look at monetary policy transmission mechanisms suggests the effects are delayed, not denied.

Max Stainton + 1 other | 26 October 2023

Christian Wild
Article 3 min read

Far from last orders

One in five pubs in Britain has closed, prompting a national outcry. But rising retail prices and falling energy costs may put the industry on a better footing

Christian Wild + 2 others | 5 October 2023

Vanessa Chan
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Watching for cracks amid pressure on China’s local government finances

Some of China’s local government financing vehicles are struggling to service their debts, but not all LGFVs are created equal.

Vanessa Chan + 2 others | 24 August 2023

Daniel Ushakov
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: The return of 60/40?

Chart Room: The return of 60/40?

Daniel Ushakov | 16 August 2023

Paul Greer
Article 2 min read

Gabon shows how to make blue bonds work

Gabon shows how to make blue bonds work

Paul Greer | 14 August 2023

Andrei Gorodilov
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Putting the high back into high yield

The era of ultra-low coupons in the European high yield bond market is coming to an end, but higher financing costs also means elevated risk for businesses

Andrei Gorodilov + 2 others | 21 July 2023

Ark Huang
Article 3 min read

Fundamentals: Navigating China’s $10 trillion local government debt market

Fundamentals: Navigating China’s $10 trillion local government debt market

Ark Huang + 2 others | 20 July 2023

Lei Zhu
Article 4 min read

Selling like hot chilli crab: a look at Singapore’s local bond boom

While debt issuance has slowed around the world, the Singapore dollar bond market is in a pocket of growth driven by policy tailwinds and an influx of funds.

Lei Zhu + 3 others | 19 June 2023

Peter May
Article 1 min read

Chart Room: Credit markets focus again on fundamentals

Fidelity's model shows factors associated with credit fundamentals and valuations have contributed more than sentiment to investment returns since the pandemic

Peter May + 2 others | 15 June 2023

Stephen Whyman
Article 2 min read

Chart Room: Is ‘higher for longer’ the new normal for funding costs?

Chart Room: Is ‘higher for longer’ the new normal for funding costs?

Stephen Whyman + 1 other | 11 May 2023

Camille McLeod-Salmon
Article 2 min read

Leveraged loans hold steady through Fed pivots: a story in three charts

Leveraged loans hold steady through Fed pivots: a story in three charts

Camille McLeod-Salmon + 2 others | 5 April 2023

Steve Ellis
Article 2 min read

The Fed can’t paint over the cracks for long

Fidelity International's Chief Investment Officer for fixed income on what the SVB collapse means for the Fed and monetary policy.

Steve Ellis + 1 other | 15 March 2023

Anna Stupnytska
Article 3 min read

ECB rates stance raises risks of financial instability for 2023

If the ECB matches its hawkish rhetoric with policy action, concerns about the bloc's periphery may return, adding to concerns for investors next year.

Anna Stupnytska | 16 December 2022

Steve Ellis
Article 3 min read

Bonds are back in town

For over a decade, one of the main cards in investors’ pack - solid and steadily yielding government bonds - has been off the table. That era has ended.

Steve Ellis | 7 November 2022

Ben Li
Article 7 min read

Re-globalisation in the age of Asia's supply chain crunch

Even the best-laid plans across the global manufacturing industry haven’t kept pace with a swiftly evolving siege of pressures on supply chains.

Ben Li + 5 others | 28 April 2022

Catherine Yeung
Podcast 44 min listen

The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Debt

With debt continuing to be a very strong focus for investors, it’s important to differentiate between good debt and bad debt.

Catherine Yeung + 8 others | 21 March 2022

Andrew McCaffery
Article 3 min read

Searching for safe havens amid a stagflation shock

High inflation and damaged growth will define the macro outlook for several quarters

Andrew McCaffery + 3 others | 8 March 2022

Eric Wong
Article 4 min read

Asia eyes a tantrum-free taper this time

A faster-than-expected tapering by the Federal Reserve remains a risk for Asian bond markets, but investors have been reassured by the latest policy signals.

Eric Wong + 3 others | 7 September 2021

Lucette Yvernault
Article 3 min read

Generating excess returns with value investing in bonds

Generating excess returns with value investing in bonds

Lucette Yvernault + 1 other | 4 August 2021

Eric Wong
Blog 2 min read

Strong underpinnings to Asia’s investment grade bond market

Asia’s investment grade bond market looks attractive as we continue working through the Covid-19 outbreak, and global coordinated stimulus take effect.

Eric Wong + 2 others | 3 April 2020

Andrea Iannelli
Article 4 min read

Another hot summer for Italian assets

After several months of relative calm and a strong performance, Italian assets have again come under pressure amid political turmoil.

Andrea Iannelli + 2 others | 9 August 2019

Benjamin Moshinsky
Article 9 min read

Equities, fixed income and multi asset: three different paths to income

Income-focused funds cover all asset classes and are a compromise between risk, yield, predictability and sustainability as well as capital preservation.

Benjamin Moshinsky + 3 others | 4 July 2019

George Efstathopoulos
Article 1 min read

Don’t miss the Asia high-yield opportunity

Investor optimism in China is improving, and Asia's high yield market is looking more attractive than the equity market.

George Efstathopoulos | 13 February 2019

James Bateman
Article 3 min read

Multi Asset Outlook 2019: Complacency on inflation stalks markets

Fidelity International's multi asset outlook for 2019 examines the risk of a shock to markets from higher-than-expected inflation.

James Bateman | 26 November 2018

Curtis Evans
Article 7 min read

Optimising emerging market debt exposure

Emerging market debt can help diversify and improve yields in global bond portfolios. Total return solution offers the best risk-adjusted return potential.

Curtis Evans + 1 other | 6 September 2018

Martin Dropkin
Article 11 min read

Bond covenants: beware of slipping standards late in the cycle

As the market matures, governance standards often become looser - which, in fixed income, is most conspicuous in bond covenants.

Martin Dropkin + 2 others | 11 December 2017

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